Friday, July 19, 2013


Grace. Yes that is my new little girl's name. I picked the name myself. Nineteen months ago when we got her referral I thought, by the grace of God she will be ours. Yep, simple as that. God's grace. We will call her Grace. Looking back I now think God had a hearty chuckle over my rationale. Over the last 19 months I have learned so much more about grace. I now see it is so much more than the gift of a child. It is God's love for me even though I am fatally flawed. That love comes in so many varieties. Like the day a barista gave me a free coffee for no good reason, or all the times Zachary struggles to get my attention, "Mom! mom! mom" only to say,"I love you."  It is all those little things that remind me of God's love for me, God's grace. Not a single event or a beautiful little girl.

There is a song that seems to come on right at the right moment these days for me.  It is by Christy Nockles,"Grace Flows Down."  She says,"Grace flows down and covers me."  I have come to truly appreciate that song. It reminds me that grace is all around me and will flow down when I pay attention and let it. What a comfort that is. So, yes, God's grace is bringing her home, but also teaching me a bigger lesson on God's ever present grace all around. I have a feeling I have only just begun to see how deep grace really goes.

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