Wednesday, August 17, 2011

More Reflecting...

My fellow Mama Blanc Denise asked me today how I was adjusting to life at home. I think this is actually a very good question. About a zillion different things come to mind. I miss Nate of course, but head is just swimming with things. First there are the sounds that linger, the crowing of roosters, the pack of dogs barking, the sound of praise and worship music being played by my husband and Pat, the sounds of Willem's guitar and most important the sound of Nate's laughter. There are the images burned in as well. The sight of Nate's smile, the view of the mountain, the images of the farmers bringing their vegetables down the mountain, or my favorite image, Tim and Pat going by four wheeler up the mountain to Gramothe. It was quite funny actually to see them trying to figure out Willem's new four wheeler then taking off through the MTM gate out into the streets of Thomassin. I think Lori, the other mom and I made idle chit chat while our husbands were off making their way across a river bed and up a very steep mountain. What I later realized, was that we both were just praying. I was a bit nervous about them going out unaccompanied, as was she.

They returned safe and sound, excited looks on their faces. Tim told me all about Willem's church and driving through the village. At one point however, Tim ran over a pile of construction rocks that a man was using to build something. He apparently had to drive over it because the road was tough to pass. The villagers laughed at them trying to navigate their rough roads and steep hills. One man even shook his head while he laughed.

And so it many memories, so many meaningful conversations about God with Willem and the other family. It made realize once again, our adoption is way more than me getting a baby. I find I am learning many lessons here, and I think Denise is right. It will take me some time to adjust back here. As long as it is still fresh, I will not be in any hurry.

1 comment:

  1. That road up to Gramothe is INSANE! Words just don't do it justice. They were brave to go at it on their own. My husband went to a market with a few other housemates on our visit. I was very nervous, but he made it back safe and sound. I pray you give yourself grace as you adjust to life back home. It's not easy.
