Friday, August 5, 2011

One week to go!

I have spent the week nervously watching the weather. Hurricane Emily was slated to hit Haiti hard this week. I read this article on the Fox News website about helping the people of Haiti. I was encouraged by the headline initially thinking someone had some grand master plan to help these people through a natural disaster. I read on only to learn that the help was not all that helpful. It described a woman currently still living in a tent city 18 months after the earthquake was given one simple object to get through the storm. It was a ziplock bag. Really? A ziplock bag? How is that helpful? She was told it was to put her children's important papers in like birth certificates etc... To be honest, I never even considered this type of thing. I was hoping for the simpler things like shelter and food. After reading this I also learned that there was little else that could be done. There was simply nowhere to evacuate these people to. I started thinking about that for a moment. Nothing but a ziplock bag could be done. For the umpteenth time I realized we are going to learn a lot visiting Haiti. I can't imagine hearing of a such a dangerous storm headed my way armed with only a ziplock bag and a tent, well God too, but still.

Nonetheless, from our perspective I was pretty glad the storm is now gone, and in one week we will meet our precious little man.

1 comment:

  1. What a sad story :( One thing I love about visiting ROH is that it also allows you to see beauty in Haiti. It is in a beautiful location, and Rachel takes great care of you. Let me know if you need packing ideas for Nat. Did Rachel send you a list?
